Show whole topic May 12, 2008 8:35 am
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Subject: Religion Or Relationship?
Nowadays people ask various questions to open up a conversation. The most popular sometimes depends on who you talk to. It could be football issues during an important tournament like the World Cup or the current state of the weather. Surprisingly or maybe not, many do not want to hear about Church.

Well, the question is not religion but relationship. Do you know you do not have to love the train driver to catch his train or the bus driver to hop on? You hardly see the guy who drives the train at the tube stations and yet we jump on to reach our destination or to beat the rush hour or avoid being late to our various appointments.

As a matter of fact, how many of us have actually been at the airport to catch a flight and insisted on checking on the pilot to know if he was fit to fly the aircraft before boarding the plane. If you never did you are very faithful and God needs you!

Funnily enough, many of us never checked about the pilot and yet we find it difficult if not impossible to believe the Almighty God on the pretence that we do not see Him. I do not intend to trivialise this issue of relationship but have you seen sleep? Yet you surrender when the gentle, slow talking, mild mannered gentle